When couponing, it is very important to understand the coupon policies of the various stores where you shop. You should have a print off of each stores policies to take with you to the store as you use coupons so there is no confusion. Here is a listing of the coupon policies of some of the more popular stores. I have tried to get links to official store websites. If a store does not have an official policy published, I have linked to other online resources but always be sure to check with the actual store for clarification if there is no official policy posted.
CVS Coupon Policy
Dollar General Coupon Policy
Family Dollar Coupon Policy
Kroger Regional Coupon Policy
Kroger Digital Coupon Policy
Meijer Coupon Policy - The policy does not state anything about doubling coupons. Doubling coupons at Meijer is regional. Check your local Meijer Weekly Ad at the bottom of the back page to see if your area doubles coupons.
Rite Aid Coupon Policy
Target Coupon Policy
Target Price Match Policy
Walgreens Coupon Policy
Walmart Coupon Policy - To the right you will see PDF links to their coupon policy as well as their price match policy.
These coupon policies are important to read over but do not give all the information on how to effectively save when shopping at these stores. Over time, I will be writing store guides for each store on how to save the most at each location.